20. Every storm of life that came into my life as a result of my past mistakes, be corrected by fire, in Jesus name. Father Lord, I come against every evil attack of the enemy over my life. 7. Therefore, I ask that all evil activities in my life become powerless. Lord, thank you for taking away all evil loads that the enemy has placed on me. In Jesus name, I rebuke and condemn every demonic spirit that is imposing an evil covenant in my life, and I demand you to free me by fire. I destroy you all in the name of Jesus. Lord God, you granted us the gift of life and sent your son Jesus Christ to watch over us. Anything in my cooperating with contrary wind, be evacuated by fire in Jesus name. Overcoming Contrary Wind - Praying Eagles Network In the powerful name of Jesus, I demand every evil oppressor to yield and collapse. Every household enemy that is silently planning evil against my family, I decree that the evil you are planning for us shall be your portion, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, I thank you for your power, strength, and peace in my life; thank you for not letting the adversary to have his way in my life and family; glorify thee in the great name of Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I request that my life shall manifest your glory because Im delivered from all evil that trouble men. Lastly, Father, help me not to entertain any ungodly thoughts anymore. Prayer Points Against Evil Plots | PRAYER POINTS Today we will be engaging ourselves with prayer points against evil plots. Favourable wind, begin to blow towards me, in the name of Jesus. 16. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I gain sufficient faith to put a stop to every storm raging in my life. Instead, its continually on the increase daily. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Every household witchcraft monitoring the success of my life, angels of the living God, smite them, in the name of Jesus. , we decree that the overwhelming peace of God shall come into your life, business, career, family etc, and chase out every evil wind, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In the great name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord, by your strength, unplug my family from every sponsor of bad wind. God will surely make me and the places round about me a blessing and He will cause the showers to come down in its season and there shall be showers of blessing in Jesus name. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. 13. Fire of God, arise and deliver me from the problems I dont know its origin, in Jesus name. You need to understand just like our God as his domain the devil also has his domain and he uses it to attack and keep the children of God in his domain as captors. The devil is always angry when he see the success or rising of the children of God, that is why he sent so many evil attacks our way, but thank God for christ who as given you and me the power to come out victorious, he says in the book of 2 corinthians 10: 4 that the weapons of our warfare is not carnal but mighty through God who pull down the strong hold meaning only God can give us victory over evil attacks. The world we live in is no doubt a place where theres no end to evil. There are various storms that confronts people on a daily basis. 12. 16. Holy Spirit, brood over me in Jesus great name. Every power of thou shalt not shine, die, in the name of Jesus. I fire back every arrow of contrary wind fired at me in Jesus name. 107:23-30; Deut 9:1-6; Gen. 39:45 (story of Joseph); Psa. l pull down every demonic stronghold rising up against my efforts, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise, let Your anger be the breakfast, lunch and dinner of every power hired to curse me, in the name of Jesus. Father, please forgive me for being spiritually insensitive and lax in my prayers; let your mercy speak for me, Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. 25. I counter every attack over my life with the armies of the Lord in the name of Jesus. The scripture says Christ has bare upon himself all our infirmities, and he has healed all our diseases. 2. 21. Prayer Points Against Evil Plots | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide If you are a Bible reader, you will agree with me that Job was a blameless and upright man, always careful to avoid doing evil ( Job 1:1). Amen. 4.2 Prayers against witchcraft. Protection from the Evil One Prayer. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break all evil affecting the sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing; all evil against the emotions; and all evil against the seven points of body used by witchcraftthe base of the spine, spleen, navel, heart, throat, between the eyes, and top of the head. Every evil wind blowing against the economy of this nation, making life difficult for the masses, we command you; peace be still, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Take power over my life, destiny, family, and surroundings, Holy Ghost fire devour and burn to ashes in Jesus name, every ruler of darkness in all secret places. 2. I call forth the benefits of God and I command the heavens to release showers of blessing upon me in Jesus' name. Every ill wind directed against my destiny helpers renders them unable to assist me; I demand such terrible wind to halt immediately, in the great name of Jesus Christ. The Lord never promised we will never see storm in life ( as a matter of fact, He has told us to expect trouble, John 16:33. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); NEXT LEVEL COMPLEX 142, Akowonjo Road, Sobo Bus Stop Egbeda. FACEBOOK: Facebook.com/prayingeagle BLOG: www.prayingeagle.wordpress.com TELEGRAM GROUP: t.me/prayingeaglesnetwork PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/prayingeaglesnetwork CONFERENCE CALL MEETING: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/prayingeaglesnetwork. 10. 31. 50 Powerful Prayers Against Evil and How To Stay Safe - Trivia Faith Blog Any human agent that is happy with the state of my present situation, O God arise and judge them accordingly, in Jesus name. Instruction: During the prayer session, you will need to embark on 7 days prayers and fasting between 6 am to 6 pm. Sometimes the storms in our lives appear without warning. Lord of hosts, separate Nigeria from stubborn Pharaohs troubling her peace in Jesus name. Although he often uses the minds of vulnerable and ungodly human beings to attack other humans, he still is the originator of evil wind. To any stormy area of my life, I say PEACE BE STILL in Jesus name. In fact, this prayer is effective to ward off diabolical entities and evil spirits, cutting and destroying all kinds of curses, ties, witchcraft, and spells that have been sent against us, or against our home, family, animals, work . 9. 12. Dear Lord Jesus, speak deliverance into my life. I decree by the authority of heaven that the fire of the Holy Ghost destroys every attack of the enemy over my life-threatening wellbeing. Every weapon of destruction fashioned against me, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. Any wicked power monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny, you are a liar, die in the Name of Jesus 4. In the presence of those who are waiting to mock me, O God my Father, demonstrate your power that they may know that you are my God, in the name of Jesus Christ. 29. Serpents and scorpions on assignment against me, bite and sting your senders, in the name of Jesus. Herbalist, witches and sorcerers behind contrary wind in my life, die by fire in Jesus name. Therefore I will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountain be carried into the midst of the sea. However, it was from the prison that he got to the throne. 3. Let your name be exalted in the name of Jesus. Because Christ didnt fail, I shall not fail in the name of Jesus. Deliver me from the oppression of the devil. Also, evil wind can be sent against a person through incantation, enchantment, and divination or spell from satanic personalities (Numbers 22, Numbers 23:23), however, we have a greater power that supersedes all powers of the earth: this is the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm 23:3-4 He refreshes my soul. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I command that every wind blowing against my marriage be still. Do not let my heart be drawn toward evil. Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. The fight was won for the Israelites when David utilized the sword of the spirit against Goliaths demonic onslaught. Anti- success contrary wind affecting my progress die by fire in Jesus name. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, Accept God as your Lord and personal saviour by submitting yourself to him, Equip yourself with the word of God by using his armour to fight him, Speak to God in prayer by making bold declaration about your victory, Invoke the blood of Jesus christ on the attack, Use the weapon of praise to fight the devil, because any time you praise God you bring him down into the situation. Whatever you have seen that appears to be interfering with your emotional well-being, physical well-being, mental well-being, or even martial well-being might be categorized as Evil wind. Always recognize Jesus as the storm destroyer and let your faith be strong Mark 4:41. No matter how powerful is the situation, the power of God is enough to deal with it permanently and rise no more. Anointing of good news and good reports, fall upon me in Jesus name. Any river goddess crying against my marital breakthrough, die by fire, in Jesus name. November 2020 - Calming the contrary wind: Contending with unseen Being a Christian does not exempt us from storm of life. 9. Today we are going to be engaging on prayer against evil pronouncement. Dear Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus upon my body, spirit, and soul. Father, I ask that you deliver me from the wrong partner that Ive entangled myself with. Evil attacks are not something you just overlook, these demonic attacks have kept so many christian on the same spot for too long without them even realising the devil is at work. Thou wind of the Almighty God, arise and swallow contrary wind programme against my rising in Jesus name. During the waiting period the challenge is to keep on trusting God. Dear God, I also ask that you help to start appreciating the things you have blessed me with. 14. My father, the number of years that you have breathed into my nostril to live on earth, empower me to possess them in the name of Jesus. You powers from the sea afflicting my star, today is your end, be crushed to death, in Jesus name. I ask that you save me from all forms of spiritual and physical evil loads placed in my life by the enemy. The coachman drove against a post, the lady screamed, the coach was overturned, and Law, who had seen the accident, hastened to the spot to render assistance. When Jesus gave order to go to the other side Matthew 8:18, He knew the storm was coming John 2:25. Wherever men have ridiculed me, I will be celebrated, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Go out for evangelism for 7 days during this period and preach about FAITH. Winds Prayer is prayer you pray, prompted by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus - commanding the four winds to change direction, to counter or to stop blowing completely. Every evil hand covering the glory and star of my life from shining brightly, roast, in the name of Jesus. In the powerful name of Jesus, shame and bring down every wicked and hostile altar raised against me. Please help me and save me from the spirit of immorality. PRAYER POINTS FOR ENEMIES OF PROGRESS 1. 70 Prayer Point Against Evil Report (2021 Guide) 28. The question you may be asking now is: where does evil wind come from? In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand any evil altar financing bad winds against my business and career to be destroyed by the wind you have sponsored against me. Evil Altars Are Against Your Destiny In God - YouTube John 8:47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. 3 John 1:11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. 14. Any Contrary wind scattering my goodness while I am gathering, loose your potency in Jesus name. The good news, however is, among those that passed through storms in the Bible like David, Jonah, Paul, Daniel, Blind Bartimaeus, Hannah etc came out restored. Holy Ghost, coordinate my life for effective and efficient performance, in the name of Jesus. The Spirit of Peace. In Jesus name, my hand will not be weakened on the day of battle. Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. 26. Oh Lord, I thank you for your mercies and faithfulness in my life and in the lives of my family. Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Amen. I break the ungodly tie I have with her (or him) be in the name of Jesus. John 16:33 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 3. Isaiah 41:10, We must have faith. 7 Furious Prayers for March 2023 Lord, now Ive realized my mistakes. 21. Every evil wind sponsored against my destiny helpers makes them unable to help me, I command such evil wind to cease now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. However, in many cases the devil does not want to release us from their custody. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for hearing my prayers. Die by fire , in Jesus name. Have you been picturing yourself thrown around in your nightmares by a harsh wind? 8. 2 Thessalonians 3:3; But the Lord is true, who will establish you and safeguard you from evil; Father, according to your word, I demand your supernatural protection from demonic machinations in Jesus name. 40. Help me correct them but first deliver me from this current toxic relationship. At a point, God allows Satan to torment Job to test his faith, but he forbids Satan to take Jobs life in the process. Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Woe unto the evil vessel that the enemy is using to do me harm, in Jesus name. 5. Amen. 21. Jesus was in the boat with his disciples sleeping when without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat ( Matt 8:24). 19. 37. I declare that I do not live my life according to the patterns laid down by the devil. Any area of my life obeying contrary situations begin to disobey now in Jesus name. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? Prayers to break witchcraft - Deliverance Chronicles Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. The power in Jesus name has made us more than conquerors, as it is written that greater is HE that dwells in us than he(devil) that lives in the world. 25. . This is mostly because the devil, our adversary knows that time he has left is very short. In the great name of Jesus Christ, we command every bad wind blowing against marriages in our culture, causing young couples to divorce. Help me to shut out every other voice thats not yours. I demand everything that comes against me or my family that is not in accordance with the truth and will of God to submit to the strong name of Jesus. And there were also with him other little ships. I come against every attack of sickness over my life in the name of Jesus. Thank God for His divine ability over contrary wind of life The battles of my parents that have become my battles, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus! By the anointing of the Lord, I destroy every yoke of loss that are holding my life and destiny hostage, break, in Jesus name. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pronounce that every home adversary who is secretly plotting evil against my family, the evil you are plotting for us shall be your part. 19. The above scriptures validate our write up for today prayer points against evil attack, The devil is behind every evil attack you may know and he has so many agents and instruments he uses to attack the children of God by keeping them under his captivity. 51:1-end (note v.1). I call forth the benefits of God and I command the heavens to release showers of blessing upon me in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, fertilise my destiny and move me forward, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I command that every suffering that enters my life and destiny be consumed by fire. Prayer Points are from the works of Dr Olukoya Deliverance Prayers Against Evil Patterns Please visit the Fire Power Ministries Deliverance Bookstore. I thanked God for all answered prayers, and in Jesus name, all is right with my spirit. 26. Mark 4:35-41 10. how is it that ye have no faith? Holy Spirit, I thank you for your unending mercies in my life. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Below prayers can be used as prayers for protection from evil.